Lipoma Removal in Thane

Lipoma Surgery

What is fatty tumor removal ?

Fatty tumor removal, also known as lipoma removal, is a surgical procedure aimed at removing benign growths of fat cells called lipomas. Lipomas typically appear as soft, movable lumps under the skin and are usually harmless but can be bothersome or cosmetically undesirable depending on their size and location.

At Pristine Cosmesis, we specialize in providing expert lipoma removal procedures tailored to your needs. Our skilled team ensures precise and minimally invasive techniques to effectively remove lipomas while prioritizing cosmetic outcomes. With advanced surgical approaches and a focus on patient satisfaction, we strive to deliver optimal results, leaving you with smooth, natural-looking skin.

Before undergoing any surgery, it is important to consult with a qualified board certified plastic cosmetic surgeon to determine the best course of action for your specific condition. Pristine Clinic is one of the many clinics in Thane that provide lipoma surgery, and you may consider consulting with them to discuss your options.

Lipoma Removal Cost in Thane

In Thane, the cost of lipoma removal varies depending on factors such as the size, number, and location of the lipomas, as well as the chosen clinic and surgeon's expertise. On average, prices range from ₹10,000 to ₹50,000 per lipoma, with additional fees for consultations and follow-up appointments.

Lipoma Removal Cost Amount
Starting Cost ₹ 10,000
Average Cost ₹ 25,000
Maximum Cost ₹ 50,000

Lipoma Removal Surgeon in Thane

Dr. Nikhil Ghubade

DNB (General Surgery), MCh (Plastic Surgery)

Dr. Nikhil Ghubade is a qualified and experienced surgeon who specializes in lipoma treatment in Thane. He is affiliated with the Pristine Clinic in Thane, which offers a range of cosmetic and medical treatments, including lipoma surgery.

Dr. Ghubade is known for his expertise in performing minimally invasive surgical procedures, which involve smaller incisions and faster recovery times than traditional surgery. He is committed to providing personalized care and working closely with his patients to develop treatment plans that meet their unique needs and goals.

At the Pristine Clinic, lipoma surgery is performed as a minimally invasive procedure under local anesthesia, and Dr. Ghubade and his team use the latest techniques and equipment to ensure optimal results and patient safety. If you are considering lipoma surgery or have any questions about lipoma treatment, you may consider consulting with Dr. Ghubade at the Pristine Clinic in Thane.

Surgical procedure for Lipoma at Pristine Clinic

At the Pristine Clinic in Thane, lipoma surgery is performed as a minimally invasive surgical procedure under local anesthesia. The surgical procedure for lipoma excision involves the following steps:

  • The surgeon will sterilize the surgical area and mark the location of the lipoma.
  • The surgeon will administer local anaesthesia to numb the area around the lipoma.
  • A small incision will be made to access the lipoma along the relaxed skin tension lines to keep the scar minimal and hidden.
  • The surgeon will gently dissect the lipoma from the surrounding tissues.
  • If necessary, the surgeon will close the incision with cosmetic fine stitches
  • A sterile cosmetic dressing will be applied to the incision site.

The entire surgical procedure is done as a daycare procedure which usually takes about 30 minutes to complete, and patients can typically go home the same day after a brief period of observation

Another minimally invasive option for treatment of large lipomas on body include liposuction with specialized advanced equipment to suction the fatty tissue from the lipoma. It is done under local or general anaesthesia wherein couple of 1-2mm stab incisions are given to insert canula to infiltrate tumescent solution in the lipoma to dissolve the fatty tissue and make the area entirely numb. After 20-25min, suction canula is introduced from same holes to suction out the liquefied fat and remove the lipoma mass. It is performed as a day care procedure and usually takes 60-90min.

After the surgery, the patient will be advised to avoid strenuous activities and to keep the surgical area clean and dry. The surgeon will also provide instructions on how to manage any discomfort or pain, as well as how to care for the incision site to prevent infection and promote healing.

Benefits of Lipoma Removal Surgery

  • Relief from Discomfort: Lipomas can sometimes cause discomfort, pain or pressure, especially when they grow larger. Removal of the lipoma can provide relief from these symptoms and improve overall quality of life.
  • Improved Appearance: Lipomas can be unsightly and can affect a person's appearance, especially if they are located in visible areas. Removing the lipoma can improve the appearance of the skin and boost self-confidence.
  • Peace of Mind: Although lipomas are usually harmless, their presence can sometimes cause anxiety or worry. Removal of the lipoma can provide peace of mind and alleviate any concerns about potential health risks.
  • Quick Recovery: Lipoma removal surgery is usually performed as a minimally invasive procedure, and patients can typically go home the same day. Recovery time is relatively quick, and most patients can return to their normal activities within a few days.
  • Accurate Diagnosis: In some cases, a lipoma may be mistaken for other types of tumors or growths. Removal of the lipoma and its histopathological confirmation allows for a more accurate diagnosis and can provide peace of mind to the patient.
Why choose PRISTINE Center for Lipoma surgery?
  • Experienced Surgeons: Pristine Clinic has a team of experienced surgeons who specialize in minimally invasive lipoma removal surgery. They have years of experience in performing various surgical procedures, including cosmetic and minimally invasive surgeries.
  • Advanced Technology: Pristine Clinic is equipped with advanced technology and equipment to ensure that patients receive the best possible care. This includes the latest surgical tools and equipment that help ensure a smooth and safe surgical procedure.
  • Personalized Care: The team at Pristine Clinic provides personalized care to each patient. Our cosmetic surgeons calmly listen to their patients to understand their specific needs and concerns, and then develop customized treatment plans to ensure optimal outcomes.
  • Safe and Hygienic Environment: Pristine Clinic follows strict sterilization protocols to ensure a safe and hygienic environment for all patients. They maintain high standards of cleanliness and sterility in Operation theatres for all type of cosmetic surgeries, which helps reduce the risk of infections and complications.
  • Positive Patient Feedback: Pristine Center has received positive feedback from many patients who have undergone lipoma surgery at the clinic. Patients have appreciated the high quality of care, personalized attention, and excellent results.