In today’s workaholic busy world, the face, even though only a single part of the body, is the principal icon of self-identity, defining one’s beauty and easy unique recognition amongst millions. Age-related changes occur in all layers of the face, including skin, superficial or deep fatty tissues, muscles and bone. Facial Cosmetic Surgery procedures have evolved over the past decade to encompass a wide range of techniques which lift, augment or rearrange facial tissues to rejuvenate the aging face.

Aging face is associated with various unpleasant facial features like thinning, wrinkles, dryness, folds in the skin and deeper tissues forming glabellar frown lines, transverse forehead lines or crow’s feet, tear trough, Sagging or ptosis of soft tissue, particularly in the lower cheek, jowls, or neck etc. which gives a tired, worried distressing look to the patient or may be a reason for social stigma for many. These features may warrant multiple procedures for correcting the concerned aging facial features and may need multiple stages for long term effects.

Various procedures for Facial Rejuvenation include


Face Lift –

done by various techniques like subcutaneous facelift, subperiosteal lift, MACS-lift, Lateral SMASectomy etc.

Neck Rejuvenation –

Minimally invasive procedures like threadlift, or surgical options like defatting superficial or deep to the platysma, platysmal tightening, Platysma placation, chin implant placement, liposuction etc.

Skeletal Augmentation –

Aesthetic contouring of the facial skeleton with the use of autogenous bone as an onlay graft or alloplastic implants.

Structural Fat Grafting –

Harvesting one’s own fat from thigh, buttocks, abdomen etc and repositioning it to fill the hollowing in face.


Typically, auto-fat grafting means harvesting one’s own body fat and injecting in to deficient sites to improve the contours or fill the volume loss. It is usually done for facial rejuvenation or breast augmentation or at depressed scar sites etc.

It is performed as an outpatient procedure, using general anaesthesia or local anaesthesia with sedation.

Up to 2 weeks of downtime may be required, depending on the extent of liposuction performed.

  • Thread lift / non surgical face lift
  • Fillers
  • Botox
  • Lasers

Our Cosmetic surgeon will counsel and give you the best possible option for facial cosmetic surgery.