Dimple Creation Surgery

Dimple Creation Surgery in Thane

People opt for dimple creation surgery to enhance their facial features and achieve a more youthful and attractive appearance. Dimples are often considered charming and attractive, and many individuals desire them to enhance their smiles and overall facial aesthetics. This surgery offers a permanent solution for those who wish to have dimples but were not born with them, providing them with a natural-looking enhancement that complements their facial features. Dr. Nikhil Ghubade at Pristine Cosmesis in Thane specializes in this procedure, ensuring excellent results and patient satisfaction.

Dimple creation surgery, offered at Pristine Cosmesis by Dr. Nikhil Ghubade in Thane, is a cosmetic procedure designed to create natural-looking dimples on the cheeks or chin. During the surgery, a small incision is made inside the mouth or on the cheek, and a small piece of muscle is removed to create a small depression in the skin, mimicking the appearance of a natural dimple. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and typically takes around 30 minutes to an hour to complete.

What is dimple?

A dimple is a small indentation in the skin, typically seen on the cheeks or chin, creating a slight depression when smiling or making facial expressions. Dimples are often considered attractive and add charm to a person's appearance, enhancing facial features and smile aesthetics.

Procedures of Dimple Creation surgery

At Pristine Cosmesis led by Dr. Nikhil Ghubade and his expert team, dimple creation surgery is meticulously performed to enhance facial aesthetics. The procedures involved include:

  1. Consultation and Assessment: Before the surgery, patients undergo a thorough consultation where their facial anatomy and desires are assessed. Dr. Ghubade and his team listen to the patient's goals and discuss the feasibility and potential outcomes of the procedure.
  2. Anesthesia Administration: On the day of the surgery, patients receive local anesthesia to ensure comfort during the procedure. This ensures that patients are relaxed and pain-free throughout the surgery.
  3. Incision and Tissue Removal: A small incision is made inside the mouth or on the cheek, depending on the patient's anatomy and preferences. Through this incision, a small piece of muscle tissue is carefully removed to create the dimple.
  4. Suturing and Closure: Once the desired dimple depth is achieved, the incision is meticulously sutured closed. Special care is taken to ensure minimal scarring and optimal healing.
  5. Post-operative Care and Follow-up: Dr. Ghubade and his team provide thorough follow-up care to monitor healing progress and address any concerns that may arise, ensuring optimal results for each patient.

Dimple Creation Surgery Cost in Thane

At Pristine Cosmesis in Thane, the cost of dimple creation surgery varies depending on individual factors such as the complexity of the procedure and the desired outcome. Typically, prices range from Rs.30,000 to Rs.50,000 With skilled surgeons and state-of-the-art facilities, Pristine Cosmesis offers personalized consultations to discuss options and provide accurate pricing for dimple creation surgery.

Benefits of Dimple Creation Surgery

  1. Enhanced Facial Aesthetics: Dimple creation surgery can enhance facial aesthetics by adding a charming and youthful feature to the cheeks, contributing to a more attractive appearance.
  2. Boosted Self-Confidence: For many individuals, having dimples can increase self-confidence and self-esteem as they feel more satisfied with their facial features.
  3. Personalized Results: Dimple creation surgery allows for customization, enabling individuals to achieve dimples that suit their facial structure and desired look.
  4. Permanent Solution: Unlike temporary makeup techniques or non-surgical methods, dimple creation surgery offers a permanent solution, ensuring long-lasting results.
  5. Minimal Downtime: With advancements in surgical techniques, dimple creation procedures typically involve minimal downtime, allowing individuals to return to their regular activities shortly after surgery.

Why Choose Pristine Cosmesis for Dimple Creation Surgery?

  • Expertise of Dr. Nikhil Ghubade: As one of the best plastic surgeons in Thane, Dr. Nikhil Ghubade brings unparalleled skill and experience to dimple creation surgery at Pristine Cosmesis.
  • Precision Techniques: Pristine Cosmesis employs advanced surgical techniques to ensure precise and natural-looking dimple creation results, tailored to each patient's unique facial anatomy.
  • Personalized Consultations: Patients receive personalized consultations at Pristine Cosmesis, where Dr. Nikhil Ghubade discusses their goals, evaluates their suitability for the procedure, and outlines a customized treatment plan.
  • Safety and Comfort: Patient safety and comfort are paramount at Pristine Cosmesis. The clinic maintains high standards of hygiene and employs modern facilities to ensure a safe and comfortable surgical experience.
  • Exceptional Results: With Dr. Nikhil Ghubade's expertise and Pristine Cosmesis's commitment to excellence, patients can expect exceptional results that enhance their facial aesthetics and boost their confidence.

Choosing Pristine Cosmesis for dimple creation surgery ensures top-tier care under the skilled hands of Dr. Nikhil Ghubade, making it a preferred choice for individuals seeking cosmetic enhancement in Thane.