Axillary Breast Surgery In Thane

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What is Axillary Breast?

Axillary breast tissue, also known as accessory breast tissue, is a condition in which a person has extra breast tissue near their armpit area. This tissue can develop in the same way as breast tissue that develops on the chest, and it may contain milk ducts, glands, and fat. Axillary breast tissue is typically harmless and does not require treatment, but it may cause discomfort, pain, or swelling, particularly during menstruation or pregnancy. It may be a cause of social embarassment as it may appear as a lump in sleevless dresses. In rare cases, the tissue may become cancerous and require removal.

When should you consult Cosmetic Surgeon?

If a patient notices increase in the size of the axillary lump or breasts or if there is discomfort or pain or it makes you look unaesthetic in your sleeveless dresses, then you should visit board certified Cosmetic Surgeon at Pristine Center for opinion and discuss treatment options regarding the same.

The Treatment for Axillary Breast

The treatment involves surgical removal of the excess breast tissue. This procedure is called axillary breast excision or axillary breast tissue removal

The surgery is typically performed as a day care procedure under local anesthesia and involves making a small incision in the armpit to remove the excess tissue. The incision is planned in such a way that it gets hidden in your undergarments and stitches are placed in such a way that they result in a cosmetic fine scar which gradually fades off.

After the surgery, you may experience some mild pain or discomfort, but this can be managed with pain medication. It is important to follow your doctor's post-operative instructions and avoid strenuous activity or heavy lifting for a few weeks

Axillary breast surgery cost in thane

The cost of axillary breast surgery at Pristine Clinic in Thane, Maharashtra, India, can vary depending on several factors, such as the size and location of the accessory breast tissue, the complexity of the surgery, and any additional services or treatments required. It's best to consult with the clinic directly to receive an accurate estimate of the cost

The cost of Cosmetic axillary breast removal surgery generally ranges between INR 40,000 to INR 1,00,000.

Axillary breast Surgeon In Thane

There are several qualified and experienced surgeons who can perform axillary breast surgery in Thane, Maharashtra, India. Pristine Clinic in Thane has a team of board-certified plastic and cosmetic surgeons who specialize in various surgical procedures, including axillary breast surgery.

Dr. Nikhil Ghubade, a skilled surgeon in Thane, specializes in axillary breast removal. With qualifications including DNB in General Surgery and MCh in Plastic Surgery, he offers expertise in addressing concerns related to excess breast tissue in the axillary region, providing effective and tailored solutions.

It's essential to choose a surgeon who has extensive experience in performing axillary breast surgery and who can provide personalized care and guidance throughout the process. It's best to schedule a consultation with the surgeon to discuss the procedure and ask any questions you may have. The surgeon can assess your case, recommend the best treatment plan, and provide a personalized estimate of the cost and recovery time.