Vaginoplasty Surgery

Vaginoplasty Surgery: What You Need to Know

Vaginoplasty surgery is a type of cosmetic surgery that is becoming increasingly popular among women all over the country. This surgery is designed to improve the aesthetic appearance and function of the vagina, which can become stretched or loose due to childbirth, aging, or genetics. If you're considering vaginoplasty surgery at Pristine Center, there are several important things you should know before making a decision.

Understanding Vaginoplasty Surgery

Vaginoplasty surgery, also known as vaginal rejuvenation, is a surgical procedure that is performed to tighten and reshape the vaginal canal. This procedure can be done for both cosmetic and medical reasons. Some women may choose to have vaginoplasty surgery to improve the appearance of their genitals, while others may undergo the procedure to correct congenital defects in vagina that can lead to discomfort or pain during sex. Depending on the requirement, our plastic surgeon will evaluate the anatomy of the genitalia and suggest the appropriate surgical procedure for the patient.

The procedure typically takes between one to two hours to complete and is performed under general anesthesia. During the surgery, the surgeon will remove excess vaginal tissue, tighten the muscles surrounding the vaginal canal and increase the depth of the canal. The result is a tighter, more youthful-looking vagina that can improve sexual function and satisfaction.

How Much is Vaginoplasty Surgery Cost?

On average, vaginoplasty surgery can cost anywhere from INR 75,000 to INR 2,50,000. However, it's important to note that this is just an estimate, and the actual cost of the procedure may be higher or lower depending on your specific condition.

Ultimately, the cost of vaginoplasty surgery at Pristine Center should not be the only factor you consider when deciding whether or not to undergo the procedure. It's important to choose a qualified and experienced surgeon who can provide you with safe and effective results. Investing in a reputable surgeon may be more expensive in the short term, but it can save you money and complications in the long run.

Choosing a Surgeon

When it comes to choosing a surgeon for vaginoplasty surgery at Pristine Center, it's essential to do your research. Look for a board-certified plastic surgeon who has experience performing vaginal rejuvenation procedures. You may also want to read reviews from past patients to get an idea of their experiences with the surgeon.

It's also important to have a consultation with the surgeon before the procedure to discuss your goals and expectations. During the consultation, the surgeon can evaluate your anatomy and determine if you are a good candidate for vaginoplasty surgery.

Recovery and Results

After the surgery, you can expect to experience some discomfort and swelling in the treated area. You may need to take a few days off from work to rest and recover. Your surgeon will provide you with specific instructions on how to care for the treated area during the recovery period.

The results of vaginoplasty surgery are typically long-lasting, and most women are satisfied with the outcome of the procedure. However, it's important to remember that individual results may vary, and there is always some risk associated with any surgical procedure.

Vaginoplasty surgery is a popular cosmetic procedure that can improve the appearance and function of the vagina. If you're considering this surgery at Pristine Center, it's important to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with experience performing vaginal rejuvenation procedures. With proper care and recovery, you can expect to see long-lasting results that can improve your sexual function and overall quality of life.